苹果iPhone 8仿真模型谍照曝光

posted at 2017.4.25 20:54 by 风信子 几张照片显示这款设备背面拥有双摄像头系统,它们被安置在苹果自己设计的矩形中。手机左侧有独立的音量按钮和静音开关,右侧则是电源按钮和SIM卡托盘,就像如今的iPhone那样。但一个比较明显的区别是,电源开关似乎稍长。 [更多...]


posted at 2017.4.19 12:11 by 风信子 当前,企业软件正在走向企业服务,正在从工具走向平台云服务 [更多...]

Visual Studio 2017各版本安装包离线下载、安装全解析

posted at 2017.3.14 20:19 by 风信子 微软最近发布了正式版Visual Studio 2017并公开了其下载方式 [更多...]

Welcome to BlogEngine.NET 2.7

posted at 2012.10.15 10:00 by Administrator The description is used as the meta description as well as shown in the related posts. It is recommended that you write a description, but not mandatory [更多...]

Welcome to BlogEngine.NET 2.5 using Microsoft SQL Server

posted at 2011.6.11 08:00 by 风信子 The description is used as the meta description as well as shown in the related posts. It is recommended that you write a description, but not mandatory [更多...]