
posted at 2022.1.17 11:29 by Administrator



数值积分是使用数值技术来逼近函数定义的曲线下的面积的过程。存在若干用于计算数值积分的方法。最简单明了的方法是牛顿-柯特斯公式(Newton-Cotes formula),最基本的Newton-Cotes formula是矩形法则和梯形法则。

蒙特卡罗积分法(Monte Carlo integration)是求解数值积分的另一种方法。程序在一个区域内均匀地生成一系列的伪随机点,并确定每个点是否均位于目标区域内。然后,程序使用目标区域内的点的百分比来估计该区域的总面积。例如,假设生成的点位于20×20的正方形内,因此其面积为400平方单位。如果37%的伪随机点位于阴影区域内,则该阴影区域的面积约为0.37×400=148平方单位。


<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
namespace MonteCarloIntegration
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
        private const bool UseColor = true;
        // Variables to calculate the area.
        private long NumTestPoints, NumHits, NumMisses;
        private Random Rand = new Random();
        // The area of interest.
        private const float Wxmin = -5;
        private const float Wxmax = 5;
        private const float Wymin = -5;
        private const float Wymax = 5;
        private const float Wwid = Wxmax - Wxmin;
        private const float Whgt = Wymin - Wymax;
        // A Bitmap to show the problem and test points.
        private Bitmap Bm;
        private Graphics Gr;
        // Prepare the Bitmap.
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Make the Bitmap and reset the area counts.
        private void MakeBitmap()
            // Reset the area data.
            NumTestPoints = 0;
            NumHits = 0;
            NumMisses = 0;
            // Make the Bitmap and Graphics object.
            Bm = new Bitmap(
            Gr = Graphics.FromImage(Bm);
            Gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            // Scale to make the graph fit nicely.
            RectangleF worldRect = new RectangleF(Wxmin, Wymax, Wwid, Whgt);
            PointF[] devicePoints =
                    new PointF(0, 0),
                    new PointF(graphPictureBox.ClientSize.Width, 0),
                    new PointF(0, graphPictureBox.ClientSize.Height),
            Gr.Transform = new Matrix(worldRect, devicePoints);
            using (Pen thin_pen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 0))
                if (!UseColor) thin_pen.Color = Color.Black;
                // Define the shapes.
                RectangleF ellipseRect1 = new RectangleF(-2, -4, 4, 8);
                RectangleF ellipseRect2 = new RectangleF(-4, -2, 8, 4);
                RectangleF circleRect1 = new RectangleF(-1.7f, -1.7f, 3.4f, 3.4f);
                RectangleF circleRect2 = new RectangleF(-3, -1, 2, 2);
                RectangleF circleRect3 = new RectangleF(1, -1, 2, 2);
                // Fill the shapes.
                Brush insideBrush = Brushes.LightBlue;
                if (!UseColor) insideBrush = Brushes.Silver;
                Gr.FillEllipse(insideBrush, ellipseRect1);
                Gr.FillEllipse(insideBrush, ellipseRect2);
                Gr.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, circleRect1);
                Gr.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, circleRect2);
                Gr.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, circleRect3);
                // Draw the shapes.
                Gr.DrawEllipse(thin_pen, ellipseRect1);
                Gr.DrawEllipse(thin_pen, ellipseRect2);
                Gr.DrawEllipse(thin_pen, circleRect1);
                Gr.DrawEllipse(thin_pen, circleRect2);
                Gr.DrawEllipse(thin_pen, circleRect3);
                // Draw the X axis.
                if (UseColor) thin_pen.Color = Color.Red;
                else thin_pen.Color = Color.Black;
                const float tick = 0.2f;
                Gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, Wxmin, 0, Wxmax, 0);
                for (int x = (int)Wxmin; x <= Wxmax; x++)
                    Gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, x, -tick, x, tick);
                // Draw the Y axis.
                Gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, 0, Wymin, 0, Wymax);
                for (int y = (int)Wymin; y <= Wymax; y++)
                    Gr.DrawLine(thin_pen, -tick, y, tick, y);
            // Display the image.
            graphPictureBox.Image = Bm;
        // Perform the indicated number of trials.
        private void integrateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            // See how far 1 pixel is in world coordinates.
            Matrix inverse = Gr.Transform;
            PointF[] pts =
                new PointF(0, 0),
                new PointF(1, 1),
            float dx = 2 * (pts[1].X - pts[0].X);
            float dy = -2 * (pts[1].Y - pts[0].Y);
            long numPoints = long.Parse(numPointsTextBox.Text);
            for (long i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                // Pick a random point within the area of interest.
                float x = (float)(Wxmin + Rand.NextDouble() * Wwid);
                float y = (float)(Wymax + Rand.NextDouble() * Whgt);
                // See if it's in the shape.
                if (PointIsInShape(x, y))
                    if (UseColor) Gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, x, y, dx, dy);
                    else Gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, x, y, dx, dy);
                    if (UseColor) Gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, x, y, dx, dy);
                    else Gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Gray, x, y, dx, dy);
            NumTestPoints += numPoints;
            // Calculate the area.
            float area = Wwid * -Whgt * NumHits / (float)NumTestPoints;
            areaTextBox.Text = area.ToString();
            totalPointsTextBox.Text = NumTestPoints.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("Points: " + NumTestPoints.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Hits: " + NumHits.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Misses: " + NumMisses.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Area: " + area.ToString());
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        // Return true if the point is inside the shape.
        private bool PointIsInShape(float x, float y)
            // See if it is inside all of the ellipses.
            if ((x * x / 4.0 + y * y / 16.0 > 1.0) &&
                (x * x / 16.0 + y * y / 4.0 > 1.0)) return false;
            // See if it is inside any circle.
            if (x * x + y * y < 1.7 * 1.7) return false;
            if ((x + 2) * (x + 2) + y * y < 1) return false;
            if ((x - 2) * (x - 2) + y * y < 1) return false;
            return true;
        // Reset.
        private void resetButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



 namespace MonteCarloIntegration
    static class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new Form1());


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